Graphic Design and Country Music


As anyone who is reading this after looking at my website should know I’m a Graphic/Web Designer (well at least that’s what the big chief at our company pays me for when I’m not mucking about on Facebook)!!
What you may not know is that I recently traveled from Bristol to London to see a country/southern rock musician called Brad Paisley.

What do these two things have in common? Seemingly, very little. But in my life there is one distinct and interesting parallel.

The Brad Paisley gig had a relaxing yet friendly atmosphere with just a slightly exciting tension that was caused by never knowing what was coming next! Country music as a whole is steeped in tradition and Brad treads a fine line between the traditional sounds and being creative and trying out something new while still remembering what key points make country music. Another thing to note about country music is that not all of it is good! In fact some of it can be really bad, but it’s artists like Brad who are never afraid to try out new things that take country music to the next level and that’s what makes him a great musician. Someone who leads the pack with innovation and is not content to just follow the crowd.

Brad Paisley london gig 2010

Working in a design studio has a relaxing yet friendly atmosphere with just a slightly exciting tension that is caused by never knowing what project is coming next! Graphic design as a whole is steeped in tradition and a good designer treads a fine line between traditional design elements and being creative and trying out something new while still remembering what key points make good design. Another thing to note about graphic design is that not all of it is good! In fact some of it can be really bad, but it’s the designers who are not afraid to try out new things that keep graphic design fresh and that’s what makes a great designer. Someone who leads the pack with innovation and is not content to just follow the crowd.

Graphic Design Studio Amusement