My Ramblings

This is a blog about design, front-end development, WordPress and other random musings by Liam Jay

Cake Slices

And so it ends!


It feels a little aberrant to write this, but I won’t be posting cake recipes online every month next year! I’ll still be baking the occasional cake, but after 24 months and 26 cakes, my little side-project is coming to an end. It started as a simple plan to help encourage me to make… Continue Reading +


My favourite games from this generation


It’s a little strange but exciting to think that, after many years of waiting and speculation, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be cropping up in living rooms all over the world. It’s a tantalising prospect but before the current generation of games starts to fade into a distant memory, I thought I’d write… Continue Reading +

Trick or Treacle Can

Trick or Treacle packaging design


It’s quite rare that I’m really attracted to any modern food packaging, but I adore this little halloween themed can of treacle. It’s not trying too hard with its theming. There’s nothing that shouts ‘novelty’ or ‘tacky’ about it in my mind. The type is well considered and the lettering and illustrations are so wonderfully… Continue Reading +

Star Wars Episode V - Tthe Empire Strikes Back Poster

28 Things in 28 Years


Last year I did a blog post about 27 things I’d learnt in 27 years and for some reason it seems to be quite popular, so as I turned 28 this month, I thought I’d do a follow up – 28 in 28! I’ve been converted by eReaders. Paper books still have their place and… Continue Reading +

Breaking the grid

What Game of Thrones can teach us about being unpredictable


I know I’m late to the party with this, but I finally watched THAT Game of Thrones episode the other night, and despite half expecting something shocking due to having heard loads of people talk about something dramatic happening in the third season, I still wasn’t fully prepared for what unfolded! SPOILER ALERT! I like… Continue Reading +

Sometimes design can be boring

Design can be boring!


I saw the following tweet by Jon Hicks a little while ago “Sometimes design can be boring, and thats OK!” This reminded me of something that’s been bugging me for ages – Despite many people seeming to assume the opposite, when I call myself a designer, that doesn’t mean that I should also be considered… Continue Reading +

Tumbledown Album Cover

2013 has been a good year for music… so far


I’m a big fan of music but last year wasn’t great for my personal tastes. April changed all that with some fantastic events and some great new releases. It started in Wales with the Ataris, I would’ve normally seen them in Bristol but as I was in France during that gig, I opted for the… Continue Reading +

Read this blog post

Paris Roubaix Challenge – The Conclusion


Following on from my previous blog post, last Saturday I was waking up at 4.30am and putting on layers of cycling clothing while still bleary eyed and feeling a little bit ill from the insanely early time, after less than 4 hours sleep due to having been still setting up my bike at gone midnight…. Continue Reading +