A logo to help celebrate and promote Uncharted 2’s one year anniversary.
Since its launch Uncharted 2 has had a fantastic twelve months that saw it pick up numerous awards throughout the entire gaming/entertainment industry. To celebrate Naughty Dog (the game’s creators) held a special, one-day only event including loads of amazing extras for the game’s online play modes including things like a special episode of “The Lab” and a bonus of 5x cash in all playlists for the entire day!
There was also a very special treat which was the exclusive Anniversary Nathan Drake costume skin for multiplayer. It has a special number “1″ on the back with
a small crown sitting on top. I loved it so much that I have tried to created a replica of it as you can see above.

Please feel free to use it in any projects that you like. All I ask is that if you do, please link back to this site and also give a mention to Naughty Dog for creating such an amazing game and knowing how to throw one hell of a birthday party!!