Posts Tagged: gaming

Gearbox Software Logo

Why I think Gearbox Software Flippin’ Rock!


Towards the end of the last console generation, Borderlands 2 has easily been my most avidly played game, and I spent a fair amount of time on the first Borderlands game too. Both games were made by Gearbox Software. During my attempt at getting all of the in-game trophies, I was intrigued by one of… Continue Reading +


My favourite games from this generation


It’s a little strange but exciting to think that, after many years of waiting and speculation, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be cropping up in living rooms all over the world. It’s a tantalising prospect but before the current generation of games starts to fade into a distant memory, I thought I’d write… Continue Reading +

Gamers vs Non-Gamers

Gaming – or why I waste my time!


I’ve been a console gamer ever since I first encountered my friends Sega Megadrive, although it wasn’t until my dad got me and my sister a PS1 that I truly got into gaming! Some of my friends are gamers and some are not, and a comment I often hear from the “non-gamers” after a conversation… Continue Reading +

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UNCHARTED 2 One Year Anniversary Logo


Last week Uncharted 2 celebrated it’s first anniversary! It’s been a fantastic year for the game that has seen it pick up numerous awards throughout the entire gaming/entertainment industry. To celebrate Naughty Dog (the games creators) held a special, one-day only event. It included loads of amazing extras for the games online play modes including… Continue Reading +

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My Little Pony but not as you remember!!


While browsing the huge monstrosity know as deviantART I stumbled upon a huge collection of customised my little pony dolls. The creator seems to have used everything from famous films to well-known video game characters as inspiration sources and some of the results are amazing. To see the entire collection of custom figures check out… Continue Reading +