Posts Tagged: Quality

Apple's iPod Classic

A forlorn farewell to the iPod Classic


The original iPod music player debuted 13 years ago, in October 2001, and on September 9th 2014, Apple quietly discontinued the iPod classic after unveiling the new iPhone 6. I’m not an overly sentimental person, especially when it comes to technology – I’m normally of the opinion that the old needs to make way for… Continue Reading +

Gearbox Software Logo

Why I think Gearbox Software Flippin’ Rock!


Towards the end of the last console generation, Borderlands 2 has easily been my most avidly played game, and I spent a fair amount of time on the first Borderlands game too. Both games were made by Gearbox Software. During my attempt at getting all of the in-game trophies, I was intrigued by one of… Continue Reading +


My favourite games from this generation


It’s a little strange but exciting to think that, after many years of waiting and speculation, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be cropping up in living rooms all over the world. It’s a tantalising prospect but before the current generation of games starts to fade into a distant memory, I thought I’d write… Continue Reading +

Trick or Treacle Can

Trick or Treacle packaging design


It’s quite rare that I’m really attracted to any modern food packaging, but I adore this little halloween themed can of treacle. It’s not trying too hard with its theming. There’s nothing that shouts ‘novelty’ or ‘tacky’ about it in my mind. The type is well considered and the lettering and illustrations are so wonderfully… Continue Reading +

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Why risk using cut price design?


Hardly any sane business owner would choose the most expensive option provided, when given a choice, however any sane business owner would also not accept the lowest priced offer. It’s never right to just look for the cheapest options when starting a business, as the real success of any business is down to having a… Continue Reading +